Wrong Answer – See The Right One Below!

Note: You can always use a ripped shirt and place a tourniquet high and tight on the arm.

Of the 2 answers the water answer you chose could lead to serious infection, because if a lake is clear it means it’s still – and you don’t ever want to use still water on a cut. Furthermore always look for frogs, lizards and any other amphibians in a lake or pond as a good sign.

They need pure water to live for the most part, so they are a clue that the water is clean.

All the information about Yarrow and Goldenrod and other great plants are below.

Thanks for taking the quiz – learn more below about quick and dirty edibles!

Lone Survivalist Field Guide: From The 24 Hour Survival Sanctuary

Wild Edibles

In this guide I’m going to be showing you some easy to identify “backyard” edibles.

Even though food is not a priority in a 24 or 72 hour emergency situation.

If there’s food that you have an opportunity to consume, you should do so. Definitely not something to walk over simply because it’s not on that point of your priority list.

Look for open fields with a lot of sun, and you should find an abundance of wild edibles.

Narrow Leaf and Broadleaf Plantain

You can easily identify plantains by the parallel ridges that run along underneath.

You can find the same parallel lines in the broadleaf.

By the name it’s obvious the only difference is one has a broad leaf, while the other is narrow.

They’re both edible. Along with some really good medicinal qualities.

You can chew these up into poultice. They have kind of an astringent quality and an antiseptic quality. It’s great for cuts, great for bites, etc. and they’re actually pretty tasty, so you can gather up as many of these as you want, stuff them away in your pouch, and you can eat these back at your base camp.

Dandelion and Cat’s Ear

Next up we have dandelion.

If you look at where the word came from, it actually means lion’s teeth. Which helps you identify as you can see the jagged edges.

This contrasts with Cat’s ear. Which has a less jagged edges.

You’ll also tell them apart as Dandelion will have smooth leaves, and Cat’s ear is hairy.

Both of these are edible.

Including the leaves and the yellow seed head on dandelions.

Note that the smaller ones will be less bitter than the larger.

An extra bonus with dandelions is to actually dig out the root and roast it. It’s full of starch.

Red Clover

Red clover is the next plant that you’ll easily come across.

It’s easily identified with the clover leaf.

Then on the top they have the red/purple flower.

The flower is actually the best part. And is surprisingly sweet.

You do have to be careful not to eat too much of it though. As it contains an acid that actually blocks the digestion of several other vitamins.

Wood Sorrel

Another plant that’s very easy to identify.

It’s got the clover shaped leaves just like the red clover. However it’s slightly more heart shaped.

It also has yellow flowers, with pointy seed pods.

They make a great garnish for your salad. And taste just like lemon.

The entire plant is edible.

However, I think the best part, are the seed pods.

Definitely the most flavourful, and packed with Vitamin C.  

Again, just like the Red Clover, it contains the acid that can block absorption of certain vitamins. So don’t overdo it.

But, stow it away in your pouch and you can be set for 24 hours with just this plant.

White Clover

This is the last one I’ll show you.

Same clover shaped leaves.

The only thing that really distinguishes this from the red clover is the white flower.

Either way, they’re both edible, and their both safe to eat the plants in their entirety. So it doesn’t matter if you know if it’s red or it’s white.

You’re safe.

And of course the buds are the most choice piece of both of them.

Goldenrod and Yarrow

For a 24 hour to 72 hours scenario, you don’t need to be worried about long-term medicinal needs.

But, as time goes on, you’ll be eating less food, may become dehydrated, or if you’re a caffeine drinker you may experience withdrawals.

All of this will start to hamper your cognitive functions.

Which increases the likelihood of accidentally cutting yourself with a knife, axe etc.

So, when you’re out, keep an eye for the goldenrod and yaro.

They both have similar properties in treating cuts. They’re also both edible. However, their medicinal use outweighs their nutritional value.

Goldenrod is better for shallow cuts.

Where as yarrow is good for deeper stuff.

Goldenrod is easy to spot, and remember thanks to its name.

They have yellow flowers that bow their way out. You’ll see them across the fields.

If you have a shallow or superficial cut, simply take it and apply pressure.

It’s astringent and antiseptic. So it’ll help keep it from getting infected. It’ll also help stop the bleeding.

Next is yarrow.

You can easily identify it by looking at the superfine divided leaves.

Double check by crushing it up and smelling it. It has a very unique smell.

Now if the cut is bleeding badly, you’ll want to find yarrow with the white flower on top, as it’s much more effective at stopping bleeding.

Here’s how to apply it with a “quick and dirty” bandage.

Pop the flower head off the plant.

Apply it to the cut.

Then take the smaller leaves of the plant and wrap it around to hold the flower in place.

As you go, continue using larger and larger leaves from the plant.

The last one you put on should be the longest.

Got that all the way around.

And there should generally be enough stem left to sneak it under the rest of the bandage to security it in place.

This is extremely effective.

I’ve had it stop superficial bleeds within 10 to 15 seconds.

Closing Thoughts

You’re surrounded by easily identifiable plants.

Obviously they’ll vary based on your location. In which case, I encourage you to look up edible plants that are native to your area and their uses.

As well as plants that are non-edible.

If you are interested in this in video form and 10 other Survival trainings that go with it, it is all part of the 24 Hour Survival Sanctuary Master Class That You Can Get Here